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Chemical Peel


Chemical Peel

Facial Treatment

AFA Chemical Peel

Triangle peeling System PA/PB is a third-generation chemical peel with triple action on the epidermis. The “penetration with cushioning” technique is used, in which the space between the cells is reduced to increase the density of the skin.

Chemical Peel uses natural acidic solutions applied to the skin to remove damaged top layers, speed cell turnover, and boost collagen growth for a brighter, more even-toned complexion. By creating a controlled injury at a specific depth, chemical peels stimulate new skin growth to improve skin texture and appearance. PA/PB Peels are built around the same naturally occurring amino acids that are responsible for retaining moisture in your skin.

Triangle peeling System PA/PB is actually one of the few chemical peels that do not make your skin sun-sensitive, making it the perfect option for all skin types.


Main Features

The benefits of AFA Chemical Peel:

  • Diminishes fine lines
  • Gets rid of dead skin
  • Reduces signs of aging
  • Rejuvenates and renews skin
  • Promotes collagen production
  • Reduces the appearance of sunspots
  • Helps with acne by promoting skin exfoliation and opening pores
  • Gives your skin a beautiful glow

Facial Includes:

  • Cleansing
  • Peel
  • Masking

For most enhanced results a series of 3 treatments spaced 6-8 week apart is recommended

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